Lately, I have been following a certain protocol for eating, in hopes of stabilizing at my current weight, and to also get rid of my life long snacking habit. I've been following the Leptin Reset protocol, and I am really enjoying it. It fits right into my Paleo lifestyle. I basically have what is called a Big @ss Breakfast (BAB) within 3o minutes of rising. This BAB should contain 50 grams or more of protein. I've been following this protocol for a little over 2 weeks and it has helped me tremendously with cravings and snacking. I get up, eat my BAB, and I am not hungry for HOURS, and I truly mean hours. Today I ate at 4:45am, and I didn't eat again, until 4:00pm. I wasn't even really hungry then, but knew I needed to eat, to get my calories in. I rarely have any hunger pains. It's amazing.
So tonight (or this afternoon. I've been eating my dinner around 3:30pm - 4:00pm), I had a meal of Steak and Eggs. This shows you how primal I have truly become, because I have never been one to eat fried eggs. I never liked the runny yoke and quite honestly, it would make me nauseous. I've come a long way, baby!!! This meal was delicious and oh, so easy to make.
Take a look at my new egg gadget! Isn't it cute!?
I sliced up some onions and mushrooms, and sauteed them in butter (real butter, NOT margarine). Then threw some left over steak in the skillet with the onions and mushrooms. I used my new egg gadget and fried up an egg, in coconut oil, to top off my meal, then garnished my plate with half an avocado.
Best dinner EVER! A lot of my meals consist of using left overs, because I am the only Paleo person in this house. I've learned to use left over meats to make up my meals. I guess one could list me as the left over disposal. :)
I know I am hard core about my healthy ways, but even I was starting to believe that I had gone off the deep end, when I was so thrilled to get my supplements in the mail on Wednesday! I've worked REALLY hard over the past 2.5 months at losing my stress weight (and I have! Check out my weight loss ticker. 13 pounds down!), getting my hormones in order, and also getting my circadian rhythm in sync, so I can sleep well at night. Below are just a few of the supplements I take daily.
Since following the Leptin Reset, I've eliminated snacking, have no cravings, and I am calmer, and fall asleep with ease at night.

One more pic, to make your mouth breakfast Saturday morning (11/12/2011). YUMMAY!!

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